Here are the web pages of people and groups with an interest in higher-order flow analysis. If you would like to add your name to the list, email your full name and the URL of your page to the HOFA maintainer. (Note: this list is distinct from the list of HOFA email subscribers).
Individuals: B D H J L M N P S V W
Jagannathan, Suresh
Jensen, Thomas
Jones, Neil D.
Meunier, Philippe
Midtgaard, Jan
Might, Matthew
Nielson, Flemming
Nielson, Hanne Riis
Shivers, Olin
Smaragdakis, Yannis
Smith, Scott
Van Horn, David
Vardoulakis, Dimitris
Language Based Technology at DTU Informatics
NU Programming Research Laboratory
The Programming Languages Laboratory at The Johns Hopkins University
Built with: Racket
Maintained by: David Van Horn